Gone Astray Synonym
Astray (Adverb) — Away from the right path or direction. 'he was led astray' astray (Adverb) — Far from the intended target. Sky break game. 'a bullet went astray and killed a bystander' The dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, definitions and similar words.
Wander off the right path or subject; also, wander into evil or error. For example, It was hard to follow the lecturer's gist, since he kept going astray, or The gang members led him astray, and he ended up in court. This expression alludes to sheep or other animals that stray from the rest of the flock. Indeed, Handel's oratorio Messiah (1741) has this chorus: “All we like sheep have gone astray, Every one to his own way.” [c. 1300]
Prometaphase is when the jumble of chromosomes begin a pilgrimage to the center of the cell, without which division would be pointless or grossly incorrect. Consumes about half of mitosis. Mitosis stages quiz.